Chapter 3 - YOU!?

Agam's Pov

 I was getting yug dressed up for the dinner today. He was playing with his spider man action figure and telling me about some random girl he met today.

"You shouldn't talk to strangers yug, why were you alone and Where was Sulekha aunty?" I asked him while buttoning up his shirt

"Dada she was very pretty, and I tried waking up suku aunty but she was sleeping" he replied cutely

Yes, his suku aunty is Sulekha aunty (Yug's Nanny). Yug loves giving nickname to people who he is close with.

Sulekha aunty had already told and apologised to me about this incident and honestly, I don't blame her she is old and it is tiring for her to handle him but right now I can only trust her as yug's nanny I have known her since I was a kid

All of my thoughts came to an end when I heard my phone ringing, though I don't use that much phone in front of yug but the name flashed 'Abhigyan'

I found it strange as Abhigyan is not a call person unless it's something really urgent. I picked up the call and placed the phone between my left ear and shoulder as I carried yug in my arms.

"Come to the basement" he said and ended the call. I could sense from his tone that it was something serious

 At the same moment my room bell rang and I knew it was my mother who came to take yug with her. I opened the door and saw my mother standing there. "Haye mere pyaare bache" she said as I handed yug to her. (Hi my dear child)

"I have sent Sulekha back home" she said

"Why?" I asked her locking my room door knowing very well why she did that and here we go again

"We had this conversation earlier as well Agam, yug doesn't need a nanny he needs a mother. He is still very young and you too are young kab tak you'll do everything for him you both need a woman in your life" she said in a serious tone and I know she is partially right, yug needs a mother but I don't need a wife, I cannot trust anyone now after everything that has happened.

I turn myself towards her and say "Not now maa, let's not ruin someone's wedding. You both go to the dinner I'll come in a while with Abhigyan" With this I left them giving her no time to reply.

I made my way to the basement and it was all dark, I walked a little more and found Abhigyan standing in front of a man who was tied to a chair. It was the same man we had our doubts on when we came to the cruise the first day.

"He was found clicking pictures of the cruise and my men found burnout phones with him" Abhigyan said without even turning towards me his gaze was fixed at the man, his knuckles were covered with the man's blood.

Abhigyan and Akshit are my only friends and we have been together since we were children. Me and Abhigyan are business partners on various projects as well and that has led us to make multiple number of enemies, the only question was which one was it now?

"Who are you?" I asked the man keeping my hands in my pocket and walking towards him

"As if he'll reply" Abhigyan Scoffed

"I have been here for the past 1 hour torturing this man and not a single word he has uttered" he continued

I took the chair, placed it in front of him and sat on it while giving him the death stare.

"Who are you and who sent you?" I asked him again.

The audacity of this man that he just laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

I clenched my fist, blood rushing in my eyes.

I took a deep breath stood up from the chair turned around

"As soon as we sail from here kill him and throw him in the ocean" I said to Abhigyan's men standing in the corner

That's when he chose to speak

"Killing me won't stop HIM" he said with a smirk on his face.

This was it for me, I turned around and punched the motherfucker straight in his face making him fall along with the chair.

I moved closer to see his face, he had a disgusting smile

"Go ahead kill me" he said

I kept my foot on his hand crushing it and making him scream in pain

"You think I'll give a quick death? Don't worry I'll give you a sweet and slow death"

I kicked his face making him go unconscious

"Try to get information out of him and if he still acts like this kill him" Abhigyan said to his bodyguards while cleaning his knuckles

We both made an eye contact and I motioned him to come with me

"So, who do you think is behind this now?" He asked me

"I don't know" I said

"We have got a location from one of his phones, I have sent it to Raghu" he said and as a response, I just nodded.

Raghu aka Raghuveer Bhatt is Akshit and Abhigyan's cousin who also happens to be an IT expert and has helped us earlier also.

As we reached the venue for dinner, I entered the hall only to see yug picked up by some girl who was talking to my mother, Akshit and Kavya were also standing beside them.

I was only able to see her back and her long brown curly hair which felt familiar but I didn't pay much attention to her hair and went ahead to meet them all.

I could hear them talking about yug that's when I asked "what's going on here"

To which everyone turned looking at me and Abhigyan.

As soon as she turned my heart stopped, our eyes met and I could see the same amount of shock in her eyes. I had never imagined that I'll ever get to see her again.

But there she was after all these years with my son in her arms and at that moment everything just disappeared to me but her.



We both said in shock at the same time (though she sorts of screamed) making everyone look at us in question.

Hello pyaare logo🥰

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Take care & happy reading

Xoxo Luna<333

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Hello everyone✨ We are just two sisters trying to strike a balance between our imaginations and reality. We pour our hearts out in our writings, and we hope you’ll enjoy them as much as we enjoyed creating them Xoxo Luna<333

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